Bike and Hike in the Algarve

Hike in the Algarve

Bike and Hike in the Algarve

With the sun already warming the coast and the countryside of the Algarve, but the fresh breeze still making it enjoyable, it is the perfect weather to take up any of the walking or biking trails the Algarve has to offer.

There is no better way enjoy the wonderful and diverse natural environments at a slow and quiet pace and to sniff in Portuguese culture in the small villages you might pass through.

Do not worry: there are walking routes Algarve for all levels and wishes, from short and easy day-trips, to a full-on hiking experience of several weeks. You pick and choose your hike in the Algarve! Algarve Housing like to inform you with the main hike trails in the Algarve.

Walking Festival in the Algarve

Walking festival in the Algarve 25-27 April
Festival de Caminhadas

Three days of walking in the mountains of Serra do Caldeirrao.

Ameixial Loule, in the mountainous rural Serra do Caldeirao

25, 26 and 27 April

Twelve different walks: bird-sighting hikes, archaeological and photography walks.
Work shops, like how to read a map, how to take care of yourself while you alone in the wilderness.
Entertainment and music
End of the day country style meals

Accommodation is provided. Also for motor homes.

Free, but need to sign up by 5pm on April 24

The 3 day hiking festival is organised by ProActiveTur, please email them for more details:

Warm regards,
Algarve Housing